Donate to Friends of the Orange County Library System

Donate to Friends of the Orange County Library System

Bookplate Tribute Gift

Today only: When you donate a bookplate valued at $50 each, the library will inscribe the name of the person you choose to be recognize on a bookplate that will be placed in an existing title in our collection (titles selected by library staff).*


To donate a Bookplate Tribute(s) at $50 each, please follow these steps to complete the donor form below:

Step One: Fill out the form below with your contact information.


Step Two: Confirm you donation amount to be given on behalf of your gift recipient and enter their contact information. Bookplate Tributes are a minimum $50.00 donation. Your name and the donation amount will be included unless requested otherwise in this form.


Bookplate email notifications will be sent starting Monday, December 20, 2021 — all requests will be sent before Christmas.


Only one tribute per donation form will be accepted. Please return to this page to donate additional tribute gifts.


*Valid only from donations made on Friday, December 17, 2021.